Уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлтийн нөлөөлөл, дасан зохицох асуудал, уул уурхайн бодлог...
2019 оны 1 дүгээр сарын 24-ний өдөр зохион байгуулсан “Уул уурхайн салбар дахь уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлтөд дасан зохицох, нөлөөллийг сааруулах” сэдэвтэй семинарт Канадын Онтарио... -
Environmental Audit and the Mining Sector
Video of SESMIM training by Wit Siemieniuk on Dec 1 2017. Introduction to mining and audit- effective mining management, environmental impacts from mining, current state of... -
Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM): Options for Mongolia
PDF and video of SESMIM training by Glenn Kendall on January 16 2018: Introduction to sustainable mining practices and protocols in Canada, and ways these could be implemented... -
Technology Needs Assessment Volume 2- Climate Change in Mongolia
PDF- Report from the Technology Needs Assessment Project based on the views of the Mongolian TNA team and the Ministry of the Environment. The report determines required... -
A Climate Change Adaptation Study in Canada's Mining Sector
PDF- Case study outlining planning and action at Canada's Glencore Mining operation in Sudbury Ontario. It provides an example of climate risk management in order for other... -
Adapting to a Changing Climate Implications for the Mining and Metals Industry
PDF- Adapting to a changing climate: implications for the mining and metals industry is one of a series of three reports that describe our work in those areas. The other... -
Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment of the Mining Sector in Mongolia
PDF- Sustainability completed the Mining Sector Strategic Environment and Social Assessment (SESA) in 2013-2014 in cooperation with the World Bank and the Mongolian Ministry of...
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